My colleague Hollie Ruth and I are offering no-cost, in-person community healings in Los Angeles as an exercise in creating group safety and relating, of utilizing more collective energy than the binary of practitioner-client, of finding new dynamics and systems of support, assistance, resistance and togetherness.
Inspired by the immense power of community togetherness that is known, felt and exemplified through indigenous wisdom, this free community healing practice attempts to disrupt the isolating structure of 1:1 (often virtual) therapeutic healing and compartmentalization of this disjointed geographic maze of Los Angeles we find ourselves in, and provide a safe, in-person communal space for the cultivation of new-old emergent ways of being together and being in this world.​
Together we navigate discomfort, vulnerability, lightness, darkness, murkiness, windows, walls, overwhelm, numbness, ecstasy and relief. We create a map of connections between our bodies and discover wholeness both inside ourselves and with each other. This is an attempt to ground community back into a physical space, back into the body. Your body. Our bodies.
In a new network-culture that exists primarily online, on screens, interfacing in isolation, we ask:
What does it mean to invite Otherness to collaborate?
What are we risking both with and without it?

***Please check here for the next community healing and related updates***
Dear ones, Sunday, February 2nd is our next Community Healing and will be in the form of no-cost individual sessions for those in our LA community who have experienced the recent devastation of the wildfires. Together, we will be supporting your body's processing though sympathetic fight-or-flight response, moving through physical and emotional paralysis, and reconnecting with a felt sense of safety. At the very baseline, this will offer you a space to slow down and let your body just be.
Please note: we're offering individual sessions this month versus an open community forum due to the acute traumatic impact of the wildfires and the specific needs of our community.
If this calls to you, please reach out to communityhealingsla@gmail.com.
Loving you lots, Love Angeles.